Science Stuff

As part of my continuing education I often read research reports, or reports of research reports,  which I tuck away in my toolkit. I also talk to my medical team about what I find when appropriate. It is OK, after five years they’ve kind of adjusted to their patient full of questions.

The articles are in alphabetical order by title.

I will update this page as I find reports that may be of interest to my clients. Most recent update: October, 2019.

Please read these with care and ALWAYS talk to your doctor or appropriate allied health professional if you are particularly interested in any of the topics.

4 Resilient Ways to Cope With Chronic Pain – this is not a primary source, but a very topical interview with Dr David Tom, a chronic pain specialist. I had been reluctant to include this reference on this page, as it is an interview, but it can be a good introduction to the topics.

A resistance exercise program improves functional capacity of patients with psoriatic arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. – “Resistance training is effective in improving functional capacity, disease activity, and quality of life of patients with psoriatic arthritis. The clinical improvements were not coupled to significant changes in muscular strength.

Allergy and Immune Diseases in Australia (AIDA) Report 2013 – provides a good summary of the incidence of autoimmune diseases in Australia, noting there are over 100 different conditions.

American Autoimmune  – Statistics and information – included for information, good if you like statistics!

Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry – The ANZCTR is an online registry of clinical trials being undertaken in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere

Effective treatment options for musculoskeletal pain in primary care: A systematic overview of current evidence – exercise and psychosocial interventions were the winners.

Effects of inflammation and/or inactivity on the need for dietary protein – I found this interesting as I realised at one point my protein intake was not reaching even the recommended levels for a healthy person. I discovered I felt better when I upped my protein intake. I then went searching for any research on the topic of inflammatory conditions and dietary protein. I’ve not tried to reach the levels recommended, however I am making sure I get at least the recommended grams per kilogram for a healthy person.

Exercise For Cardiovascular Health Keeps Knee Cartilage Healthy Too, Study Suggests – Although 10 years old, I found this interesting given a few years ago I was looking at the prospect of knee replacement surgery and now I’m not. I haven’t had a follow-up MRI done of the knee that was being a bother, but this research, in part, may explain the improvement. Improved muscle strength supporting the joint will also have played a part.

Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain | Dana Sterling

GPs in England ‘unconfident’ discussing physical activity with patients – report. I found this particularly interesting.

It would be interesting to have a similar study in Australia. Anecdotal evidence suggests the situation would be similar. If we look at the OECD report further down this list, it is important.

HIP4Hips (High Intensity Physiotherapy for Hip fractures in the acute hospital setting): a randomised controlled trial – this study is about increased physiotherapy for hip surgery patients. Length of hospital stay was reduced considerably for the patients receiving more physiotherapy. Again movement is shown to have positive results.

Joint Pain, From the Gut – from 2015, discussing research into possible links between gut bacteria and rheumatoid arthritis.

Knee arthritis has doubled since 1950, and we don’t really know why – Quote: “The study didn’t attempt to explain the findings, but it’s not very difficult to speculate. Wallace too says that lack of physical activity is a very likely culprit. Since the 1950s, office jobs have multiplied dramatically, more and more cars flood the streets, and physical activity has declined accordingly.” Interesting study.

ME/CFS: Top Tips Handout for Doctors – a very good article, much of which can be applied to many invisible illnesses.

Molecular Insight into Gut Microbiota and Rheumatoid Arthritis – there are a lot of articles to found on the web discussing possible links between gut bacteria and rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve linked to this one as a primary source.

OECD Obesity Update 2017 – some frightening projections.  “This Obesity Update focusses on a selection of those, specifically at communication policies aimed to tackle obesity, in particular by improving nutrient information displayed on food labels, using social and new media to sensitise the population, or by regulating the marketing of food products.”

Rheumatoid arthritis – symptoms will not improve if patients do THIS – this is not a primary source article, however it cites some important studies showing overweight and smoking are both detrimental for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. “These results contribute to growing evidence of how lifestyle impacts how well patients may respond to treatment and the potential value of referring them to proven community-based smoking cessation and weight management programs,” said Dr Bykerk.

Role of “Western Diet” in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases – poses a lot of relevant questions for consideration.

The Role of Fascia in Movement and Function – well worth watching! Quote: “Fascia, or connective tissue, helps muscles communicate. See how to keep this important part of your body supple to improve your mobility and decrease pain.”

3 thoughts on “Science Stuff

  1. Your new site looks really great – and is so well set out. Lots of work gone into this. I have read almost all of it now.

    Wishing you every success with your new venture in business – and on-line.

    Well done Robyn …. good to see.

    From Anne Byam –

    ( have put my own website on here, because that I think was the mistake I made below where it says ‘website’. Will just go with the wordpress one now – see how it works.


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